English at Home #10

Hello! Today we are going to have a review of units three and four. This is our last class in the blog. Enjoy it! Remember, if you have any question please contact me, so I could solve it.

Do you remember the days of the week? Let's make a review with this adorable puppet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8sA8rKoJ-A

Now, pay attention to this review of both units: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDXWeBf0kv8

Let's put on practice all this old knowledge with the following activities:

Here you would find a jeopardy game with vocabulary and grammar of unit 3 and 4. Good luck answer it!

In the following game you have to help the mouse choosing the correct clock. If your answer is incorrect the cat will hurt him. 

The last activty is a beautiful story to practice your reading comprehension. Enjoy reading! 


You have to explain a unit (all the units had been assigned last Saturday). You will talk about what you like and dislike, the difficult and easiest things for you of that unit, what you will apply in your daily life, etc.
I will evaluate creativity, pronunciation, and the use of grammar and/or vocabulary of that unit during their presentations. It's very importamt that you send me your material on Friday 19th and you have to send me your video before Saturday 20th. This will be your final exam, so do your best!



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