English At Home #9

Hello everyone! Today we are going to make a review of unit 1 and 2. 

First, you are going to watch the following video to remember some grammar. Try to guess the name of the pictures before the video told you the answer. 


In our today's class we are going to make a review of the vocabulary of unit one and two. I hope you remember it. 


Let's practice to know if everything is clear!

This is a hangman with vocabulary of both units. You will have a minute to guess the word. Additionally, of you answer incorrectly, the robot will get destroyed 

In the following link you are going to find two games to practice grammar. In the first one you are going to put the words on the correct order to create a sentence. In the second one you have to choose the correct word to complete the sentences.


This is the last activity. Read the story and try to continue it using the vocabulary of unit 2



You have to make a mind map of your garden or any ecosystem that you want. You are going to draw the plants and the animals that you could find there. Record a video explaining it and send me your video before Saturday 13rd at 10:00 a.m.

If you didn't take the virtual class, please send me a message to assign you a unit for your final project, so you could prepare properly and with enough time.


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